The injection of own fat is not new, but it is always proven and popular in the application. Nordstrom is actively involved in the matter. Body fat is soft, natural, malleable, and versatile. It is suitable as an ideal filling material. Credit: Tulip Retail-2011. Formerly fat was used only in the lining of small wrinkles and scars. Meanwhile, the technology is sufficiently mature and refined, that she can be used also on increased volume demand: for example in reconstructive surgery for the correction after breast-preserving therapy in breast cancer, or as well as aesthetic operations.
Own fat treatment benefits of own fat treatment is a relatively expensive procedure. It takes 60 to 180 minutes depending on the area. Here are taken on specific body parts like thighs or fat cells disturbing hip and transplanted after a special treatment to the new location. The approach has advantages,”emphasizes Holger Fuchs, medical specialist for plastic and aesthetic surgery and Director of the practice clinic Poseldorf district in Hamburg: the Fat cells are usually particularly compatible, because they come from the patient’s body. “And also the risk of a reaction of the immune system or of complications is so low.” “Clinic Director Fox added: they offer are the fat cells once grown, in contrast to the lining with synthetic filling materials and proper treatment or technique typically have a long-lasting result.” In addition, the fat can be fit evenly into the areas to be treated. Own fat treatment treatment options with the patient’s own fat is used both in the plastic aesthetic and reconstructive surgery. Own fat treatment can fill in wrinkles on the face, lips give more volume, defects can after previous surgeries or injuries will be corrected and treated surface scars well.
To get own fat treatments for breast enlargements or, and this is new: injections of fat into the hands. Whether the technique is an alternative to other methods, each patient in one experiences personal consultation in practice clinic Poseldorf. The extracted fat can be incidentally, frozen for a certain period of time and stored. As a part of its own fat naturally breaks down, it may be a repetition of the treatment. Surgeon Holger Fuchs therefore recommends to plan an additional subsequent injections, achieve a lasting result.” If you have further questions or would like information with respect to patients who are happy about their experiences to report then please contact please when Kerstin port stone by ursula reimers consulting & communications.