Business in Sochi Sochi is famous for its high prices on literally everything: food, clothing, appliances, services, etc. Particularly surprised by the price of fruits that are higher than Moscow. Traditional ways of earning Sochi – a hotel, entertainment and sightseeing business. Thredup is actively involved in the matter. Ordinary residents actively ply rent to vacationers. After it became known that the Olympic Games will be held in Sochi in 2014, began to appear everywhere estate agents, newspaper advertisements zapestreli suggestions on buying an apartment / house / land.
The city has begun a construction boom began to emerge new businesses, builders, shops, banks. The upcoming Olympics breathed new life into the city, literally affected all branches of knowledge. Now the city desperately needed landscapers, construction workers, drivers, engineers, ecologists, economists, IT – professionals, senior managers and highly qualified lawyers. REAL ESTATE SOCHI This fever seized the city of Sochi after the victory in the competition contenders to host the Olympic Games in 2014. From 4 to 6 July in some areas, house prices jumped Sochi to 5 times. The earth was literally golden. In some areas of the city transactions with land plots have been frozen. Despite the statement Baturin, that real estate prices in Sochi, close to the maximum and you can already sell, no hurry to do so. According to some forecasts prices property to the Olympic Games has increased by 2 times. A number of experts believe that 2-3 years before the Olympics Sochi cost of housing will be equal to Moscow, citing the example of Vancouver's Olympic (Canada).