
Tulving (1972, P. 386) defined the memory semantics as ' ' a mental encyclopedia of the organized knowledge that a person keeps on words and other symbols mentais' ' , having later widened its scope to include ' ' the knowledge of the world of that an organism would be portador' ' (Tulving, 1985, P. 388). The Implicit Memory says respect to the behaviors that can be attributed the previous processings without, at the moment of the accomplishment of these behaviors it has conscience of the episode of its processing. The implicit memory does not need to be described with words. In the reality, despite let us desire to describe it with words, the verbalizao is very difficult or exactly impossible.

Of the implicit memory the memory of procedures is part. The procedure memory congregates the habits, the learned abilities and the rules in general, as for example, the series of movements necessary to play a instrument, floor of bicycle or the grammatical rules necessary to construct a phrase adequately. In short, when we look for to remember or to recognize the material, we support ourselves in the explicit memory. In contrast, the implicit memory says respect to the cases where we are affected by experiences passed without giving account that we are in fact to remember. memory of long stated period has the process of archive formation and consolidation, and can last of minutes the decades. Our souvenirs of infancy are examples of this type of memory or of knowledge that we acquire in the school. This type of memory contains the information that we have available in more or less permanent way. The memory of long stated period allows the recovery of an information after decades stored and the limits of its capacity are unknown. As It refutes (1990) the memory of long stated period it holds back information through the learning process and has a duration a little longer, being able to suffer to associations or combinations to be remembered selectively.