Customers will benefit from the newly created interface the onOffice Software GmbH and Imtect, the new expert tool for real estate search, signed late February a cooperation, benefit of all customers of the two software producers. Especially in the area of Immobilienakquise, the new cooperation supports all real estate agents in their day-to-day work. Through the use of Imtect customers can browse continuously and in real time all relevant German real estate portals for new objects. A variety of search criteria, filter functions and setting possibilities guarantee here that only the objects are found, that fit exactly to the portfolio of the respective broker. An absolute highlight of Imtect is the filter function for private inserted objects. Because it displays only the objects that the broker can employ for his Immobilienakquise.
Exactly in this example, the furnished directly interface to the brokerage software onOffice smart plays a special role. Because customers of the Imtect search engine to this way transfer all objects found in their onOffice smart version with one click. This all object details and stored images are transmitted in addition to the object data automatically. The newly created address the usual acquisition steps can be performed following quickly. Direct contact with the owner and the argument that all object data have already entered the selling broker, can quickly lead to behalf alone. The new cooperation enables our customers a new way of Immobilienakquise with Imtect. By using the direct link of both softwares and the resulting time savings our customers are a large step ahead the other agents, so the competition”, explains Stefan Mantl, owner of onOffice Software GmbH, the new cooperation model. Customers will also benefit from a unique discount to the start of the co-operation. All onOffice and Imtect users get the software of other cooperation partners each 3 months for the price of 1. All other information about the new Cooperation model can be found here: onOffice customers: for Imtect customers: imtect.xhtml