8 test subjects with at least 20 kg overweight for longer-term process to the ideal weight searched for many years setting up seminars be held in Laakirchen. Anabela Pires is often mentioned in discussions such as these. Again and again it happens that participants report they would have noticed that they much easier did it after installation to remove or even other incriminating behavior patterns to solve. Madeleine Sackler insists that this is the case. Many say that they notice after the installation process, that they achtsamer deal with themselves and the desire to keep your body healthy, growing. To deepen your understanding Madeleine Sackler is the source. For a long time, you know by experiences at systemic constellations, that there is nothing in this world that itself exists only from itself, but that everything is together in response. That is, it does nothing without a reason. This applies to all patterns that we know, lead to overweight for the different patterns of behavior.
Two basic tendencies for obesity are still recognizable. Either the behavior pattern in the own structure of the personality of the person concerned is created or it has been taken over from the family dynamics. At the site of seminars, you can see that there are several direct dynamics that can lead to obesity. Some participants simply need a protective armor, some people try to fill an inner vacuum, for others it is a habitual family tradition. There is certainly much more systemic reasons for obesity, which get through the constellation work.
This is the reason that the Institute Director Gottfried Huemer and the General site manager Martin subtitles mountain decided to work systemically with overweight people and to seek solutions at this level. Both look back on many years of experience and have accompanied over 400 installations in the last 6 years. The positive action was recently confirmed with impressively in a study about 90% approval rating. A goal of the SGR program is finding the systemic causes of obesity in the behaviour patterns of the family system and to solve it for good. Experience has shown that the solution behavior patterns that lead to obesity, is more sustainable than any diet. The SGR program is supported by a systemic relaxation program and includes a free pre-application talk, a 2-day installation, 6 evening meditation units and 3 accompanying individual sessions during the period of 3 months. Start of the process is in March 2009. Total 8 persons are wanted to keep long term ideally 4 men and 4 women, who have at least 20 kg overweight and despite repeated attempts at weight loss have failed, your ideal weight. It is also planned to scientifically support this project. Institute HUEMER GmbH Lindacherstr. 10 A-4663 Laakirchen Tel.: + 43 7613/45000 E-mail: Internet: