The vaginal candidiasis is a vaginal infection that appears by the proliferation of a fungus (candida albicans) of the family of the leavening. . Learn more at this site: Honest Tea. Normally this fungus is in our organism without presenting/displaying no affectation. The candidiasis you appear when the balance is lost being affected the acidity of the vagina, which causes that the amount of fungi by an accelerated proliferation is increased what ” it pays terreno” for the infection. You present/display symptoms like ardor, picazn in the vagina, reddening in the lips, thick and white flow among others (it can or not present/display scent). The causes are many that favor the appearance of the fungus; antibiotic ingestion, diabetes, hormonal changes produced by menstruation, menopause, pregnancy etc. The hormonal changes and the increase of vaginal secretion that appear during the pregnancy they provide ideal conditions so that this fungus reproduces in the vaginal zone, which can cause vaginal candidiasis with its consequent symptoms. If a handling adapted to the candidiasis does not occur him during the pregnancy, is risk of infecting the baby at the time of childbirth, causing to him injuries in the humid zones of the body (armpits, English, genital organ).
The baby can habitually present/display an eruption of good type eccematosa, defined edges and associated to a buccal infection (in the language or encas). The treatment for the vaginal candidiasis during the pregnancy must be always supervised by a specialist (they use ova or creams). To new born it is possible to be cleaned to him (after each food with a sodium bicarbonate tea teaspoon in 250 cc of water) The homemade natural remedies are very important for the embarrassed women, then during this period they cannot consume medecines via oral. A very good alternative is the use of the bush of sbila (aloe side) by means of a serious treatment realised by specialists. Then the aloe side it has mictico effect that besides stopping the advance of candidiasis allows the weave recovery affected by the infection..