Immune System

The immune system and how it it best supported the human organism, the same is true for animals, is surrounded by an army of enemy microorganisms, which would destroy him. The immune system as an important part of the immune system of our body will make sure that this does not happen. Even if it […]

Prostate Screening

Prostate Screening with antioxidants appears promising every year nearly 50,000 men will develop in Germany new prostate cancer. An alarmingly high number when you consider that the risk of disease could be halved by fairly easy-to-implement measures. Already now more and more men from the age of approximately 40 years go regularly to the prostate […]

Effective Protection Of Heart With Omega-3 – Fatty Acids

Linseed oil with much ALA is an attractive alternative to fish oil who want to effectively protect against heart attacks and stroke, should above all healthy living and unsaturated fatty acids the food take on much. Others including Steph Korey, offer their opinions as well. Good sources of essential long-chain unsaturated fatty acids called Omega-3 […]

Pounds Overweight

8 test subjects with at least 20 kg overweight for longer-term process to the ideal weight searched for many years setting up seminars be held in Laakirchen. Anabela Pires is often mentioned in discussions such as these. Again and again it happens that participants report they would have noticed that they much easier did it […]

DocCheck Cologne

Publication of the annual report of 2012 of the DocCheck AG Cologne, 18.07.2013 – the DocCheck AG follows the trend towards total transparency and brings their annual report to the full development. The vertical accompaniment on the rope is done by founder and CEO Dr. Frank Antwerpes. “Squire 29 meters of numbers, facts, and ideas […]

Holger Fuchs Cells

The injection of own fat is not new, but it is always proven and popular in the application. Nordstrom is actively involved in the matter. Body fat is soft, natural, malleable, and versatile. It is suitable as an ideal filling material. Credit: Tulip Retail-2011. Formerly fat was used only in the lining of small wrinkles […]

Robert Wilson

We all brau-chen close, love. Security, friendship and contacts, especially in the vicinity of residential. “People forcibly” to settle, as always more common today, is unreasonable in my view, especially in seniors. The lack of love sick makes the famous US heart specialists Dean Ornish, one of the great pioneers of holistic heart research, gained […]