Garden Use

The explosion of the information has corresponded to an explosion of activities and related institutions it. The traditionally identified organizations and professions with the treatment of the information have witnessed the dilution of borders long ago established. This fast growth of the access and information necessity it generates an emergent market of information that permeia […]

Rio De Janeiro

The street, that until the construction of the stadium if called Cndido Silva, gained the name of Bariri because, in days of rain, it formed a great rapids. Disillusionment? This does not need to be faced as one ‘ ‘ erro’ ‘. Because, as it shows the study of Capinuss well, the soccer has all […]

Munanga Power

Still as Grondin# in Haiti the distinction of social classroom was necessarily express in speaks of a dictator; ' ' rich black is crossbred poor mestizo is negro' '. The economic power and the control of the power politician had been always basic in Haiti and for this reason many Haitians had finished dying. as […]

APA Capivari

The institute has the function to execute the politics of sustainable use of the natural resources renewed and of support to the extrativismo and the traditional populations in the units of sustainable use. As Administrator of the UCs the institute has as main attributions the task to present and to edit norms and standards of […]

The Release

This hormone initially was discovered in the intestine. For more information see this site: Hikmet Ersek. In the brain of birds, the VIP acts in the release of pituitary prolactina for the previous one. The immunization of turkey hens with VIP to neutralize endogenous VIP results in reduction in the levels of prolactina and the […]

Civil Support

To be voluntary is paper of prominence in the society nowadays, is a noble attitude, differentiated, realistic, that we assume ahead of the current facts. When participating of works or voluntary projects, we have the chance to help people, to transmit our knowledge, to share joys, to make the difference in the life of somebody, […]


Past, future and gift or would be: past, future in gift? The division of the time for these paradigms is not used of full and absolute form, not necessarily the past occupies its place in the line of the time, in the same way that the future not ece of fish solely ahead of what […]